Wound closure and biosurgery / Wedge Resection Steps / 08 Closing the subcutaneous layer / What to look for / The needle bent or broke
The surgeon used a competitor needle and it either bent or broke
Ask these questions to generate an in depth discussion and understand the surgeon’s needs/pain points.
What impact does a needle that bends or breaks have on procedural efficiency and outcomes?
What needle characteristics are you looking for?
What do you value most in a suture when closing the subcutaneous layer? (try to uncover needs such as efficiencies and infection control etc.)
How often do you encounter surgical site infections (SSIs) postoperatively, and how do you mitigate these risks?
What characteristics in the closing process can contribute to SSIs?
What impact does it have on yourself, the hospital and the patient where there is a post operative SSI?
What’s your experience using a barbed suture in the past?
If I could show you a suture that had a strong needle, but also improved efficiencies and reduced the risk of SSIs would you be interested in that?